Sadness And Depression

When the feeling of sadness persists for a very long time, and nothing makes it go away when there seems to be no apparent reason for the sadness, it is time to address it as it is now more than’’ just a mood’’ or a ‘’passing phase’’ and it needs an intervention.

People with depression often are unable to help themselves to overcome it. If you see your loved one displaying the common signs of depression like, persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, worthlessness, or emptiness, Irritability, frustration, or restlessness, loss of interest in activities or hobbies that used to be enjoyable, difficulty sleeping, sleep disturbances, or sleeping too much, fatigue and tiredness, difficulty thinking clearly, remembering, concentrating, or making decisions, do consider getting some kind of help for them.

Neurofeedback training for Depression is very effective because it not only helps relieve the symptoms of Depression but also modifies the biological predisposition for becoming depressed.

Many studies have shown that our mood is positive when the left frontal area of our brain is more active than the right frontal area and that our mood is poor when the right is more active than the left.

Neurofeedback brain training helps reverse the frontal brainwave asymmetry that predisposes you to depression and helps you regain control of your life.

The effects on depression with Neurofeedback are long-term unlike that of medications which can produce a temporary remission.

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