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Wake Up Fresh And Rejuvenated

Deep, restorative sleep is extremely important as your body repairs itself when you sleep. Not getting enough quality sleep deeply impacts your ability to function during the day. Travel, jet lag, illnesses, and even extreme excitement can keep you awake but when sleeplessness becomes chronic and starts affecting your life significantly, it needs to be addressed.

At Brain & Co., our scientifically proven, US, FDA-approved technology can help you overcome your sleep issues.

Types Of Sleep Issues

– Insomnia
– Sleep apnea
– Brain chatter
– Nightmares and night terrors
– Sleepwalking and sleep talking
– Bruxism
– Bed Wetting

Brain Training Can Help You Get The Best Sleep Of Your Life

The underlying cause of all sleep issues is a disbalance in the brain waves. Restoring this balance with Neurofeedback ensures a night of deep, sound sleep, ensuring that you wake up fresh.

Brain Training Can Help You Get The Best Sleep Of Your Life

The underlying cause of all sleep issues is a disbalance in the brain waves. Restoring this balance with Neurofeedback ensures a night of deep, sound sleep, ensuring that you wake up fresh.

Client Story

Clients who have completed our programs have reported:

experienced a noticeable reduction of insomnia symptoms** 74%
No longer met symptomatic thresholds of insomnia*** 87%

*Of adults presenting with moderate to severe insomnia (ISI Total Score > 14) on the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI). n=175.
**Magnitude of improvement on the Insomnia Sleep Index (ISI) by at least the minimal clinically important difference (MCID) of at least 6 points.
***Reduction of total score to < 15 on the ISI placing them in the subthreshold or no insomnia category.
****Above outcomes based on an analysis of results reported by 175 (n includes adults only) clients who completed Brain & Co’s 30-session program. Individual results may vary. The percentages cited above are not claimed to represent typical results and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. This does not imply, and Brain & Co.makes no claims, that it can cure insomnia.

Contact Us

Just fill out the form and we’ll be in touch.
We ensure that the root cause of your issue is dealt with and you walk out with a faster, sharper and smarter brain.