Brain Wave Training Reverses Brain Ageing

Brain fitness is important at any age, but it is especially critical after age forty when anatomical changes can adversely affect our brains. Memory loss, loss of neural circuitry, decreased neuroplasticity, and an overall thinning of the cortex are well-documented age-related phenomena that may negatively impact our emotional and physical well-being. Neurofeedback can help slow and even reverse the detrimental effects of brain ageing.

Change in brainwaves is the first indicator of ageing. Alpha brain waves can start to slow down as early as in the ’20s, depending upon diet, exercise, lifestyle and genetics. Alpha waves are a sinusoidal brain frequency between 8 and 13 cycles per second (Hz). However, when atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) sets in the waves begin to slow down.

Neurofeedback facilitates retraining brainwave activity to enhance optimal performance and slow the effects of brain ageing. Brain & Co. Brain Training helps to develop latent abilities in older people as well as to reverse the effects of ageing in their brains.

The improvement in brain wave activity has other measurable results. A positive effect of neurofeedback on anti-ageing is the elimination of chronic stress, and it can be measured. Research has shown that people who suffer from chronic stress often display an imbalance in brainwave activity. Studies reveal that it is possible to control brainwave activity through neurofeedback training and reset the imbalance that causes chronic stress. This could lead to increased longevity.

Alzheimer’s is a chronic, degenerative, age-related condition that can lead to memory loss and eventually loss of brain Function. The positive effects of neurofeedback on anti-ageing can be seen in the Alzheimers. brainwave activity improves. Mood, memory and mental clarity improve. It seems that training literally “de-ages” the brain.

Regular training with neurofeedback enhances memory and keeps the brain young, fresh, smart, sharp and alert.

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