Love energy drinks? You’ll probably give them up after learning about the severe impact they can have on your mental health.

Don’t you just love a good cup of coffee or an energy drink to get that extra pump and get rid of your daytime sleepiness? These really help when you’re trying to get through a tiring work day or burn a few extra calories at the gym. The common substance found in ED’s is caffeine. This is usually combined with D- taurine, D-glucuronic-y-lactone, guaraná, maltodextrin, ginseng, carnitine, creatine, ginkgo Biloba.

These are topped with vitamins and natural sweeteners. Energy drinks have been around for years and are consumed both by the adolescent as well as the adult population. They are loved for their taste and the kick they provide. But in recent years, energy drinks have come under the radar for their impact on the physical and mental health of a person.

There are neuronal control pathways that can be influenced by the consumption of caffeine-induced drinks. This, in turn, can have an impact on the overall central nervous system (CNS). 

Research has shown that the intake of caffeinated drinks can potentially increase the risk of developing mental health issues. Some studies have demonstrated that drinking large amounts of caffeine can result in mani, psychotic symptoms, along with physical health effects.

It has also been studied that increased caffeine intake can hamper the recovery speed of those suffering from bipolar disorder.  Energy drinks can make conditions worse for those already having mental health conditions. However, it has been observed that they can impact perfectly healthy individuals as well.

According to some studies, increased energy drink consumption and caffeine, in general, can lead to extreme mood swings and irritability. The list also includes conditions such as stress, nervousness, suicidal behavior, anxiety as well as depression. Caffeinated energy drinks can also lead to sleep deprivation, thus resulting in insomnia, palpations, increased heart rate, mania, and paranoia.

Aside from this, energy drinks also have addictive tendencies.

If you heavily depend on them to feel recharged and rejuvenated, consuming them can become a habit. Therefore, you would need to keep consuming energy drinks in order to get that desired burst of vitality. As a result, the more the intake, the more the likelihood of your mental health getting impacted.

What other healthier alternatives to energy drinks could you opt for to feel fresh? 

Vitamin C 

There are Vitamin C supplements and drinks that you get that are healthy and will give you the boost you desire. Vitamin C also helps in building the immune system. So you’ll be killing two birds with one stone!

Green juices and shakes 

Green vegetables such as kale, spinach, parsley, etc., have a high rate of vitamin B in them which increases the body’s metabolism. The higher the metabolism, the more energy your body will produce and keep you active throughout the day. So make sure you are drinking enough amount of green juices and smoothies on a regular basis.

Protein juice 

If your body doesn’t have enough protein, you are likely to feel more fatigued. Therefore a high-quality protein shake can help a great deal with your energy levels. However, make sure to consume protein-rich foods as well and not simply consume only protein shakes.

How brain training can help with your low energy levels, mental health conditions, and addictive tendencies 

Neurofeedback is a US, FDA-approved, and NASA-inspired and brain training technology that is multi-purpose. If you deal with mental fatigue and heavily rely on energy drinks to feel rejuvenated, Neurofeedback can act as a healthier and more permanent substitute. It can get rid of your mental tiredness, make you more active and productive, by making you access your ‘peak performance zone.’

Along with this, if you find yourself addicted to energy drinks, Neurofeedback can help you overcome this habit. This brain training technology can also in turn reduce your anxiety, stress, and other mental illnesses that you may be experiencing.

To learn more about this technology and how it works, visit here.