Do your nerves get the better of you at your job? Here’s a unique and permanent way with which you can overcome your work anxiety.

Anxiety is a mental health condition that affects people in different ways. While some deal with generalized anxiety disorder, there are others who experience anxiety disorder with specific events. These include social anxiety disorder, sexual performance anxiety, health anxiety,  among others. The most common form is work anxiety, which is the nervousness and tension that employees feel at their jobs, which in turn takes a toll on their daily life and overall well-being.

If you suffer from this condition, the following picture painted below must seem relatable.

It’s Sunday evening and you can feel your heart rate increasing at the thought of the upcoming Monday morning. Your mind starts spinning, thinking about the impending meetings and the huge to-do list of tasks that you must complete within the given deadline schedule. A chill runs down your spine thinking of your demanding boss.

You reach work the next day and are bogged down by the burden of your worries and overwhelming emotions. As a result, you end up making silly mistakes. Your boss yells at you, and you get more nervous. This in turn affects your work. And before you know it, you’ve caught yourself up in a vicious circle.

So the big question is- how do you break yourself out of it? How do you get yourself at a place where you are able to handle the work pressure and your difficult boss without getting workplace anxiety and workplace stress?

With brain training! Before we get to this, let us explain how your brainwaves have a huge role to play in the way you feel.

You must have seen a horror movie at some point in your life. Remember how it made you feel? You probably had goosebumps and felt nervous every time there was a scene with ghosts or loud noises. Right?

Now suppose we tell you to watch a horror film right now. Notice how your body reacts. You’re probably already starting to feel tense, at the anticipation of what’s going to happen in the film. This is because your mind has been trained to respond to horror movies.  So now every time you watch a scary film, you feel nervous as you’re used to feeling so.

Your brain works in the same way when it comes to work anxiety. Your job, boss, the work environment in your organization. etc., combined are the horror movie your mind is reacting to. Every time you’re at your workplace, you experience anxiety symptoms because your brain has formed a habit to react this way to the situation. This is why no matter how hard you try to remain calm and manage your irritability, you can’t.

But this problem can be solved, if it’s addressed at its root, which is what brain training is all about.

Neurofeedback, a US, FDA-approved, and NASA-inspired brain training technology, changes the way your brain reacts to situations. Because let’s face it, every work environment these days is stressful and you can’t control whom you work under. However, the way you handle the stress and deal with the pressure is upon you. And a calm and happy brain is the key!

Neurofeedback forms new desirable neural pathways, brainwave patterns for your brain to operate from. Hence, the boss that used to get under your skin or the work that used to stress you out, won’t anymore! The situations might or might not be the same, but the way you respond to them will change. With consistent brain training sessions, you will notice that you are:

  • Able to handle work crisis with confidence as well as a peaceful and calm mind
  • Experiencing more productivity at your workplace
  • Able to come up with solutions and intelligent suggestions to problems with effectiveness
  • Able to finish off your duties in a short span of time
  • Able to face challenges head-on without any fears
  • Able to enjoy workplace activities more
  • Able to get along better with your co-workers

So are you ready to bid your work anxiety a permanent goodbye? Book your first session right now! To learn more about Neurofeedback technology and how it works, click here.