Dyslexia Checklist

A Person With Dyslexia Can Experience Difficulties In Many Areas Of Reading, Spelling And Writing, Including:

  1. Rhyming (pat, cat, fat….)
  2. Mispronouncing certain words “bussetti” for “spaghetti”
  3. Naming the letters (learning the alphabet)
    Associating sound (phonetics) with the symbol-letter(grapheme)
  4. Appropriate sequence of individual letters, and a series of letters which make up a word, in the reading or writing process
    a. Letter reversal: “b” for “d” (bog for dog)
    b. Words reversal: “on” for “no”, “was” for “saw”,”tip” for “pit”
    c. Inversions: “m” for “w”
    d. Transpositions: “felt” for “left”
    e. Substitutions: “house” for “home”
  5. May confuse small words: “at” for “to”, “said” for “and”
  6. Formation of letters
  7. Correctly writing letters of the alphabet in the proper sequence
  8. Finding a word in the dictionary
  9. Difficulty learning new vocabulary words and remembering facts
  10. Distinguishing left from right, east from west
  11. Telling time, days of the week, months of the year
  12. Confusion with math symbols (+, -, x, /, = )
  13. Memorizing multiplication tables (sequential memory)
  14. Memorizing non-phonetic words
  15. Expressing ideas in writing
  16. Finding the right word when talking
  17. Expressing clear ideas verbally
  18. Often uses an awkward pencil grip (fist, thumb hooked over fingers, etc)
  19. Planning, organizing and managing time, materials and tasks
  20. Telling and retelling a story in the correct order

More specifically there are different dyslexic patterns:

Dysnemkinesia (Motoric Problem)

  1. Abnormal letter and number reversals when writing
  2. Difficulty expressing thoughts in writing
  3. Poor memory of movement
  4. Weak laterality and directionality
  5. The student writes doy for boy
  6. About 10% of individuals who have dyslexia

Dyseidesia (Visual Integration Problem)

  1. Poor recognition ability for whole words
  2. Slow reading (labored) often poor comprehension
  3. Phonetic decoding: he/she reads “lag” for “laugh” or “ball” for “bell”
  4. Poor spelling phonetic equivalence: “sity” for “city” or “tuphen” for “toughen”
  5. Approximately 30% of all the cases of dyslexia

Dysphonesia (Auditory Integration Problem)

  1. Poor word attack (reading): he/she reads “house” for “home.” Often substitutes words: “table” for “desk”
  2. Difficulty with the sequence of the sounds and poor at self-correction: heshe writes: “aminal” for “animal” or “acaly” for “alkali”
  3. Difficulty with the frequency and the duration of the sounds
  4. Approximately 30% of all the cases of dyslexia

Dysphonedeisia (Auditory And Visual)

  1. More severe problems
  2. Example: “belot” for “delight”
  3. Approximately 30% of all the cases of dyslexia

Dysnemkinephonedeisia Or Mixed Types

  1. Very severe problems

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