Is making a decision one of the hardest tasks for you? Is the big question of ‘this or that’ becoming a daily ordeal? Brain training can put your troubles to rest. 

Our life pans out on the basis of the decisions we make. From buying a house to getting married to having babies to choosing a job- everything is a decision. While decision-making comes naturally to some, to others it’s a painful ordeal. A simple choice such as whether to have Pizza or Pav Bhaji for dinner seems like the hardest one to make. And when your decision-making is capable of directly impacting people and their lives, the stress that comes with it is unimaginable. 

Yes, we are talking about CEOS, managers, and entrepreneurs who decide the future of their companies and employees on the basis of the decisions that they make.

One wrong move and you’re the villain for life. As the famous dialogue from Spiderman goes, “With great power comes great responsibility.” So with all that power that you have, imagine if you could take quick, fast decisions instead of dilly-dallying and save some precious time for yourself as well as your workers. Wouldn’t that be amazing? 

Client story: Decision-making woes at work 

One of our clients is a manager at a top BPO company. She handles a team of around 6 people and like any other manager, her job is to lead and provide inputs. Along with that, she also has to make some key decisions that directly impact the way all projects are taken forward. She thought she was doing a splendid job with the way she leads the team until she received feedback from her employees. “They all have one common problem- they think I take a very long time in making decisions. And they hate it when I finally make one decision but change it at the last minute. They say it gets very inconvenient for them,” she told me.

I realized that until the client received this review, she had no idea the kind of stress she was putting her team through. In her mind, she was being thorough and doing the right thing. Sometimes, a person is themselves not aware of their poor decision-making abilities. And it so happens that poor decision-makers often go back on their choices, thus creating more end-minute panic for their company and team. Sometimes, this is even worse than taking a long time to make a decision. 

Aside from the delay in decision-making, some people also face the issue of making impulsive decisions 

Some may take their own sweet time to decide between options. But do you know that there are some who simply make decisions left, right and center, without thinking twice? You may think that such people are extremely clear about what they want. Wrong. They end up making impulsive choices as they’d rather do that than face the ordeal of having to deliberate and then decide. Other factors such as mental health disorders including ADD/ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, etc., can also drive a person to act impulsively, without thinking about the consequences. A person also may be extremely immediate-reward driven, hence, would be drawn to making impulsive decisions. 

But more often than not, doing so lands you in big trouble and you end up regretting your behaviour. Correct? 

So what is the reason behind a person’s poor decision-making skills? 

Our brain is divided into four regions called lobes- these are frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital, and each of these control specific functions. The frontal lobe controls personality, decision-making, as well as reasoning while the temporal lobe controls speech, memory, and sense of smell. 

Damage to the frontal lobe or imbalance of brain waves in this region can hamper one’s decision-making abilities. 

Our brain works in patterns. These patterns are formed as a result of learned fears and habits, trauma, injury, or birth defects. Irrespective of the cause for dis-balance of brainwaves and fixed patterns, these can be changed with the help of brain training. 

For example, your habits like walking, cycling, using your smartphone, driving, etc. are a result of neural pathways formed in the brain with repetition. These have become fixed patterns. 

The more these pathways are used, the stronger they become. 

Therefore, your inability to make quick decisions has also over time, now become a habit. Each time you are faced with an important choice to make, your brain reacts with stress and anxiety. 

And our tendency to get anxious, stressed, overwhelmed, or angry is a learned behaviour operating in fixed patterns.  Your behaviour is governed by your brainwave patterns which are operating on a set of neural pathways. Only when these pathways are interrupted or new suitable pathways are formed, does your behaviour change.

With brain training technology Neurofeedback, you can break this pattern and become smarter, sharper and faster 

Your one decision of doing brain training will have a positive impact on all your future decisions! 

Your brain possesses a unique quality called neuroplasticity. This allows your brain to be trained at any age. When the old unsuitable pattern is interrupted, and a new neural pathway is formed, new behaviours emerge and issues get resolved. It’s as simple as that! 

What exactly is Neurofeedback?

With the technology called Neurofeedback. It is a non- invasive technology that was originally developed by NASA to train their astronauts to withstand the pressures of space travel. This technology has now evolved into an advanced system that not only helps a person access the ‘peak performance zone’ but also helps alleviate numerous issues like poor decision-making, OCD, ADHD, dyslexia, autism, anxiety issues, migraine, headaches, insomnia, depression and more.

With brain training, you become sharper, faster, smarter. You will get rid of your brain fog and chatter that often come in the way of your decision-making and delay the process. The confusion you face during decision-making will be cleared completely. 

So have you decided to experience this life-changing technology and become a better decision-maker? 

To learn more about how this US, FDA-approved and NASA-inspired brain training technology works, visit our website