Anxiety can result in several gastrointestinal issues such as irritable bowel syndrome, indigestion, constipation etc. Read more details inside.

Have you ever heard of the term “a gut-wrenching experience?” You may take it as a simple phrase that people use to describe a disturbing incident. But it, in fact, has a very scientific meaning behind it. You may not be aware, but your brain has a direct impact on your digestive system. People suffering from anxiety, stress and depression often experience conditions such as indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation etc. Poor mental health can increase the swelling in your intestines or make you more prone to stomach infection.

Common symptoms of digestive issues 

  • Indigestion
  • Loose motions or diarrhoea
  • Constipation
  • IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome)
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Loss of appetite
  • Stomach cramps
  • Nausea

How anxiety results in digestive trouble 

Changes in the neurotransmitter 

The neurotransmitters that exist in our brains are responsible for sending a signal to the gut. Our bodies release a hormone called serotonin, which also plays a similar role. Because anxiety reduces serotonin levels in the body, the stomach doesn’t get the proper signal that it’s supposed to. As a result, this creates digestive issues.

Bacterial growth 

Our intestines have both good and bad bacteria. Most of them are good and are responsible for helping the intestine digest good food. These bacteria naturally need to be more in number. However, high stress and anxiety levels can affect the immune system and result in the growth of harmful bacteria. This, in turn, leads to the poor functioning of the digestive system.

Release of adrenaline 

Our bodies have a natural fight and flight response during a crisis. During this time, our body releases adrenaline, a hormone that provides us with more energy. This hormone is released by glycogen, a part that stores sugar. But anxiety results in the body processing nutrients at levels that aren’t normal. This, as a result, starts affecting the digestive system.

Sleep trouble 

Anxiety can result in lack of sleep which in turn affects the digestion process. A night of good sleep is crucial for the body to function at peak energy levels. This ensures that the food passes through the digestive tract at the right speed, and the hormones and enzymes are recharged.

Increase in stomach acids 

Anxiety and high-stress levels can secrete excess levels of stomach acids, which creates trouble in the digestion of food.

Simple ways to reduce anxiety 

If you try simple tricks to reduce your anxiety levels, it will automatically improve your digestive process. Here’s a list below.

  1. Deep breathing: Deep breathing or belly breathing can provide instant relief and reduce anxiety. Get to know more about it here.
  2. Exercising or doing yoga: Any kind of workout releases adrenaline, which provides relief from stress and anxiety. Yoga is known to be the best form of exercise for any mental condition.
  3. Playing with a pet: Did you know that playing with pets such as dogs can bring down your anxiety levels significantly? Learn about more ways in which you can get rid of your stress and anxiety here.

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice but suggested techniques that you can try. If none of these seem to work, you may need an advanced form of treatment.

Here’s a long-lasting solution to get rid of your stress and anxiety

Neurofeedback: With this treatment, you can overcome your fears completely. To learn more watch this video.

In addition to these tips, Brain & Co. offers med-free treatment that could help you overcome some of the challenges that come with depression/anxiety/sleep issues etc. Visit our website or give us a call to learn more.