Learn about how Neurofeedback plays a vital role in helping people getting over their ADHD.

Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be a nightmare. You can’t focus, keep calm, stay organized etc. The condition-if not treated- can even affect a child’s performance in school and an adult’s productivity at work. Therefore, it is vital that you know the difference between ADHD in kids and adults. It’s also important to know how to spot the signs.  You can further read about ADHD in detail here.

How Neurofeedback can help the condition

The procedure is also referred to as neuro biofeedback. It is a type of feedback that makes use of real-time data displayed by brain activity. This is done to get a lowdown into how a person’s brain functions. You can read more about it in detail here. (Will add a link once blog is published). This form of biofeedback is especially helpful for conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADHD, among many others.

Here’s what Neurofeedback can help fix in people suffering from ADHD

1. Improves concentration levels

Being able to focus on things is probably the hardest thing for people with ADHD. Neurofeedback sessions help improve concentration levels. The treatment helps kids perform better at studies and adults at their work.

2. Helps in calming the person

People with ADHD are often fidgety and can’t keep calm. They always feel the need to keep themselves active and keep their brain stimulated. As a result, they tend to feel tired and unsettled. Neurofeedback sessions help in calming the person and providing more balance.

3. Enhances organization skills

With ADHD, people find it difficult to get themselves organized and multi-task. As a result, they often leave most of their chores incomplete. The sessions, in turn, help people improve their organisational skills. Along with this, they also help people focus on several tasks at once. Neurofeedback sessions also help in increasing productivity in general.

4. Neurofeedback sessions improve memory

Forgetfulness is a common symptom of ADHD, especially in adults. While forgetting things occasionally is natural, it’s more extreme in cases of this condition. Hence, the treatment helps in improving memory and increasing awareness and sharpness.

5. Develops time management skills

ADHD results in people not grasping the concept of time. They are often late for meetings, unable to meet deadlines etc. Hence, treatment sessions help people manage their time better.

6. Reduces anxiety

Anxiety is common in people with ADHD. Therefore, the treatment not only reduces anxiety levels but also eliminates the disorder.

7. Neurofeedback builds self-esteem and confidence

People with ADHD often tend to suffer from low levels of confidence and self-esteem. Once you undergo the Neurofeedback sessions, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to experience a sudden boost in your confidence levels. Aside from this, people feel a general sense of happiness and hope. The treatment helps one feel joyful and self- assured.

8. Helps bring clarity

Confusion is part and parcel of a person living with ADHD. Simple things such as choosing a food item on the menu to picking out clothes while shopping, can be a nightmare.

9. Keeps anger levels in check

Kids with ADHD tend to get angry fast and throw temper tantrums. Therefore, Neurofeedback helps on keeping anger levels in check and regulating the child’s mood swings.

10. Neurofeedback sessions help people become more patient

Impatience is a common symptom found in people who have ADHD. They tend to interrupt conversations, participate in activities they are not included in etc. Hence, these sessions increase patience levels and as a result, regulate impulsive behaviour.

Brain & Co. offers med-free treatment that could help you overcome some of the challenges that come with depression/anxiety/sleep issues/ADHD etc. Visit our website or give us a call to learn more.