Before considering anger management classes or therapy, try out these simple methods to get rid of your anger. These are easy to apply and highly effective.

In a world where we are racing against the clock, meeting deadlines and multi-tasking, it’s easy to get angry and frustrated. From the heat to overcrowded places to traffic jams to your anal boss at work, many factors can contribute to our patience level calling it quits. But the problem arises when anger gets the better of you. If it consumes you and refrains you from feeling happy and at peace, it’s time to treat it as a problem and work towards solving it.

20 simple ways you can let go of your anger

  1. Recognize the source
    Every time you feel angry, recognize the source for it. Try and find out what is it that is making you feel stressed and frustrated. Doing this in turn will give you some perspective and help you reflect on yourself.
  2. Count to 10 to calm yourself down
    We tend to say things in anger that we don’t mean. Therefore, what follow are feelings of immense guilt and embarrassment. Surely, you don’t want that. Hence, before reacting and saying something you will regret, count to 10 when you feel angry. Eventually, this will help you calm down.
  3. Surround yourself with positive messages
    You can either put a poster on your room’s wall reminding you of how awesome you are, and your life is, or have it imprinted on your coffee mug. Whatever you choose to do, make sure this message is visible to you and helps you in curbing your anger.
  4. Create a calm environment
    You can use candles as these are known to reduce stress and anxiety. You can even use scented candles or essential oils like lavender, for aromatherapy.
  5. Tear a piece of paper
    Believe it or not, but this simple trick can help in reducing anger. If you feel frustrated, tear a piece of paper, and you will instantly feel calmer.
  6. Sleep more
    Lack of sleep can increase anger, stress and anxiety. Hence, make it a point to increase the number of hours you sleep for and see the difference.
  7. Picture your emotions as a drop of water
    Close your eyes and visualize your brain as a crystal blue, calm ocean. Then, see your anger as a drop of water, falling into the ocean and yet, not disturbing its calm. Doing this in turn will make you realize your anger is simply a part of who you are and the whole you.
  8. Record soothing messages
    You can record a positive message that can help in curbing your anger. I addition to this, You can also use an app for the same.
  9. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes
    Angry people tend to play the blame game. Yes, others can be responsible for making you angry, but try and see things from the other person’s perspective. Doing this can instantly curb your anger.
  10. Take long, cold showers
    There’s nothing like a prolonged shower to get rid of your anger.
  11. Meditate
    This can’t be stressed enough. Meditate. Take a few deep breaths and meditate for at least 15 minutes to half an hour. Listen to a guided meditation tape to get started. Here’s a link for your reference.
  12. Listen and state positive affirmations
    Telling yourself the simplest of things like ‘I am worthy,’ I am loved,’ ‘I am powerful’ etc. can make a world of a difference and help you in managing anger. Here’s a link that you can try.
  13. Take a step back
    You must do this physically. In an argument or confrontational situation, take a step back physically, and see the difference.
  14. Maintain a journal
    Pen down your thoughts and feelings. Keep reading whatever you are writing so that you can judge exactly how much anger you are filled with.
  15. Pick up a hobby
    Do something that makes you forget your anger and keeps you distracted. It can be anything such as dancing, playing a sport, learning an instrument, gardening etc.
  16. Take responsibility for your actions
    The world may anger you, but it’s upon you to control and manage it. Acknowledge when you are angry and if you do cross a line, hold yourself responsible for it instead of blaming others.
  17. Talk it out
    Don’t let the anger breed inside you. If you are feeling angry, let it out. Talk to a friend or anyone who is close to you and can understand you.
  18. Laugh out loud
    The saying that ‘laughter is the best medicine’ exists for a reason. Laughter can instantly get rid of your stress, anxiety and anger. Therefore, next time you feel angry, think about a joke or an incident that made you laugh and don’t hold yourself back from letting out a chuckle.
  19. Use stress-relieving tools
    Tools such as a fidget-spinner or a stress ball are known to help with anger and frustration. As a result, you should keep them handy.
  20. Learn to forgive
    Keeping a grudge can be the biggest reason behind a person’s anger. Forgiving someone may seem like the most difficult thing to do, but in truth, it’s the easiest. Hence, once you decide to forgive, your body will automatically support you. Know that if someone has intentionally hurt you, he or she will pay for it, in due course of time. Holding on will only hurt you in the process. Learn to let go for your own peace of mind.

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice but suggested techniques that you can try. If none of these seems to work, you may need an advanced form of treatment.

Here’s a long-lasting solution for you to get rid of your anger

Neurofeedback: With this treatment, you can help get rid of your anger issues completely. To learn more, watch this video.
In addition to these tips, Brain & Co. offers med-free treatment that could help you overcome some of the challenges that come with depression/anxiety/sleep issues etc. Visit our website or give us a call to learn more.