Studies have shown that having a pet reduces stress, anxiety and improves one’s overall mental and physical health. Read more.

We live in a fast-paced world. Today you can get a Pizza within 30 minutes and become an overnight internet sensation within 24 hours. While the hustle and bustle is exciting, it takes a toll on our mental and physical health.

How increased stress levels are impacting people’s mental and physical health

Most of us are expected to meet deadlines, especially at our workplace. This, as a result, leads to stress, anxiety, high blood pressure, a rise in cholesterol levels, etc. This article by Forbes states that stress levels at workplaces have increased by 20%. Furthermore,  a study shows that 76% of respondents complained of workplace stress affecting their relationships. On the other hand, 66% stated that they couldn’t sleep. Therefore, stress levels are severely affecting our mental and physical health.

There are several ways of dealing with these mental conditions. While some opt for therapy and exercise, others resort to medication. In addition to this, there’s an option that has proven to be highly effective- getting a pet!

Research on the health benefits of having a pet

Research shows that human-animal interaction can significantly benefit one’s mental and physical health. Newport Academy talks about a study conducted by psychologist Alan Beck and psychiatrist Aaron Katcher. According to this study, pet owners are happier and healthier.

7 ways in which pets benefit your mental and physical health

  • They lower your stress levels: According to research conducted by Dr. Alan M Beck, owning pets can have mental health benefits, where they reduce anxiety levels, stress, post-traumatic stress disorder, deficit hyperactivity disorder, symptoms in autistic children, developmental disorders, and other mental illnesses in humans. Simply petting an animal or looking into his/her eyes can bring down stress levels to a great extent.
  • They improve cardiovascular health: Having pets around can reduce your blood pressure, triglyceride levels, blood sugar levels, risk of heart disease, and therefore, the risk of death. They, therefore, impact your overall heart health in a positive way and reduce your doctor visits.
  • They reduce loneliness: People suffering from depression or social anxiety often find it a daunting task to engage in social interactions. But having a pet, especially in the case of elderly people, is ideal as the furry creatures are there for you without any expectations. They even offer excellent companionship to children. Who knew that pet therapy is a real thing!
  • They increase your physical activity levels: Having a pet is no walk in the park. If you have a dog as your pet, the four-legged creatures will keep you on your toes! From bathing the dog to walking him/her to feeding the pooch, a lot of opportunities for exercise are involved in the maintenance process. Hence, if you’re looking to ditch your laziness and reap maximum health outcomes, you’re all set with a pet! They reduce the risk of illness and risk of allergies as well.
  • They help you lead a routine life: If you struggle with making schedules and sticking to them, a pet will set a routine for you. Remember, taking care of a pet is equivalent to looking after a baby.
  • They help you build relationships: If you are an introvert and have trouble making friends, a pet will ease you into the process. Take a walk with a pet, and you will instantly see people approaching you. They are waiting to talk to you about your little friend. Therefore these human-pet interactions helps in making friends and strengthening the bond between people.
  • They are great listeners: Sometimes, you just need someone to listen to you without giving advice or suggestions. Trust us, your pet will prove to be the listener you have been looking for. And this is not just because he can’t speak, but because of how invested he will be in your concerns.
  • They will accept you, no matter what: You may be a CEO of a company, a criminal, a film star, a drunkard, or a thief. A pet will love you unconditionally no matter who you are and where you come from.

So now that you know the benefits of having a pet, are you ready to bring one home to lead a happier and healthier life? Are you all set to embrace great mental and physical health?

Disclaimer: This is not medical advice but suggested techniques that you can try. If none of these seem to work, you may need an advanced form of treatment.

Here’s a long-lasting solution to help those suffering from high-stress levels

Neurofeedback: With this treatment, you can overcome your mental and physical ailments completely. To learn more, watch this free video.

In addition to these tips, Brain & Co. offers med-free treatment that could help you overcome some of the challenges that come with depression/anxiety/sleep issues, etc. Visit our website or give us a call to learn more.