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Overcome Anxiety

If you’re feeling anxious, you’re not alone; it’s the most commonly felt emotion.

You might feel that overcoming anxiety is a daunting task. It becomes all-consuming, chronic and many people also suffer from depression at the same time.

If you suffer from anxiety, leading a regular, happy life can seem like an impossible dream. But not anymore.

At Brain & Co., our scientifically proven, US, FDA-approved technology for anxiety, panic attacks, and more makes an anxiety-free future a reality.

Types Of Anxiety

– Pure anxiety
– Pure depression
– Mixed anxiety and depression
– Overfocused anxiety/ depression
– Cyclic anxiety/ depression
– Temporal lobe anxiety/ depression
– Unfocused anxiety/ depression

How You Can Say Goodbye To Anxiety With Brain Training

Training the brain with Neurofeedback is one of the fastest ways to produce long-lasting results that include reducing and eliminating anxiety completely.

As the brain is trained, the old anxiety brainwave patterns are replaced by new, healthier patterns which help you reduce your dependency on medications too.

How You Can Say Goodbye To Anxiety With Brain Training

Training the brain with Neurofeedback is one of the fastest ways to produce long-lasting results that include reducing and eliminating anxiety completely.

As the brain is trained, the old anxiety brainwave patterns are replaced by new, healthier patterns which help you reduce your dependency on medications too.

Client Story

Clients Who Have Completed Our Program Have Reported*

Experienced a noticeable reduction of Anxiety Symptoms** 86%
No longer met symptomatic thresholds of Anxiety*** 67%

*Of those presenting with a T-score ≥ 65 (at or above the 93rd percentile) on the Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) DSM-Oriented Anxiety Problems Scale. T-scores at or above 65 indicate the individual shows symptoms that may support a diagnosis of anxiety.
**Magnitude of improvement on the ASEBA DSM-Oriented Anxiety Problems Scale by at least the minimal clinically important difference (MCID), defined by ASEBA; in this case, the MCID is at least 3 points.
***Reduction of T-score to < 65 on the ASEBA DSM-Oriented Anxiety Problems Scale, placing them within the “Normal” range.
****Above outcomes based on an analysis of results reported by 1099 clients who completed Brain & Co.’s 30-session program. Individual results may vary.
The percentages cited above are not claimed to represent typical results and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. This does not imply.
Brain & Co. makes no claims, that it can cure anxiety.

Contact Us

Just fill out the form and we’ll be in touch.
We ensure that the root cause of your issue is dealt with and you walk out with a faster, sharper and smarter brain.